
Allocation of Parental Responsibility

Allocation of Parental Responsibility (Formerly Known as Child Custody)

Nothing is more valuable than the children that come from a relationship. Whereas the marital relationship itself may break down, the integrity of your co-parenting relationship is paramount. At Greenberg & Sinkovits, we understand how taxing and emotional this process can be. As parents ourselves, we take your custody case very seriously. First and foremost, our approach is to resolve your child-related issues outside of court – typically, even with expected acrimony, there are not two people better suited to decide the future of your children, as their parents. However, if settlement is not feasible, we are bound and determined to get you the very best result, and our track record exemplifies our commitment to our clients’ cases.

Allocation of Parental Responsibility and Parenting Time is determined based on the best interests of the children.

Allocation of Parental Responsibility is how the court decides who is going to be awarded decision-making. The court can award decision-making to one parent, to both parents jointly, or as a hybrid, where each parent gets some of the major decisions.

Allocation of Parenting Time is how the court decides how much time each parent will receive with the minor children. While every other weekend and one day a week used to be the typical standard for non-custodial parents, now the court more closely evaluates each individual situation to assess what parenting time schedule makes the most sense for all. There may be situations where no parenting time is appropriate, or where a parent is a danger, and supervised parenting time is appropriate. These situations are best discussed with an attorney, and the attorneys at Greenberg & Sinkovits are well-equipped to discuss the intricacies of custody and parenting time with you.

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