Posts filed under: Residential Real Estate

It’s close to Halloween And something terrifying is lurking in the dark Under the lamplight You see a sight that almost stops your heart You want to scream But the horror takes the sound before you make it You start...
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“Closing” in real estate is the process when ownership of the property officially transfers from the seller to the buyer. It’s an exciting moment, but one that’s not well-understood. So whether this is your first closing or your fifth closing...
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For a long time now (throughout 2021 and well into 2022) the real estate market has been a Seller’s market. Prices were sky high and rates were continually rising. But now, in mid-2022, the real estate market is once again...
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When it comes to holding title to real property, you have many options. One option is to use a land trust. Similar to a revocable living trust, which we covered in our previous blog, a land trust involves a trustee...
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If you’re in the process of making estate plans, or even just someone who owns your own home, then you should know about revocable living trusts for Real Estate. A revocable living trust can be an extremely valuable tool for...
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Buying or selling a home is an exciting time, but it is important to maintain a level of flexibility with your timing. Namely, the closing date in your contract is an estimate and is not set in stone. If your...
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When submitting an offer to purchase a home, many buyers are, understandably, excited and nervous. When entering into a contract as a buyer, it’s important to be aware of and understand the terms of the contract and your obligations. Most...
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What you have heard is true – right now is a seller’s market. Inventory is low and home prices are high.  However, selling a home is still not easy and requires careful planning. As you consider selling your home, check...
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As many people are aware, the real estate market right now is a seller’s market. In many markets there is limited inventory and some sellers are able to get top dollar for their homes. The hot market does not mean...
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