We know that co-parenting can be challenging, especially when it comes to keeping communication clear, harmonious, effective, and organized. You will often hear lawyers and judges advising parties to treat co-parenting like a professional project, where the end goal is that you have raised healthy, well-adjusted children. You want professional communication, regular check-ins, clear documentation, collaborative decision-making on shared responsibilities, and conflict resolution when things go awry. We often rely on two resources for our clients that are targeted at attaining that goal! Two programs that we often recommend to improve communication when co-parenting are Our Family Wizard and Talking Parents. These tools can really help make things smoother for you and your co-parent, and hold everyone accountable. 

Our Family Wizard

Our Family Wizard is a great tool designed to make communication between co-parents easier. Here’s how you can make the most of it:

  • Secured Messaging: Think of this as your go-to place for important conversations. All messages are documented and can’t be changed or deleted, so you have a reliable record of everything. Texting and emailing can be spoofed, but these apps solve that conundrum.
  • Shared Calendar: This is super handy for keeping track of your kids’ schedules. You can log parenting times, school events, and activities, making sure everyone is on the same page.
  • Expense Log: Managing shared expenses can be tricky, but this feature helps you log all costs related to your children transparently, avoiding any financial misunderstandings. Expenses can be paid and approved or denied in the app.
  • Journal: You can keep a private journal to note down significant events or observations about your kids. It’s a great way to track their progress and any concerns you might have.
  • Professional Access: If you’re working with an attorney, parenting coordinator, or therapist, they can access the platform too, providing extra support and helping resolve any disputes.
  • Tone Meter: If communication between you and your co-parent is getting passive aggressive, the tone meter feature can let you know that you may want to reword your message in order to get a better co-parent response.

Talking Parents

Talking Parents is another excellent option for structured and secure co-parenting communication. Here’s how you can use it effectively:

  • Secure Messaging: Just like Our Family Wizard, this feature ensures all your messages are documented and can’t be edited or deleted, giving you a clear record of your conversations.
  • Shared Calendar: Use this to coordinate schedules and plan activities. It helps reduce conflicts and keeps both parents informed.
  • File Storage: Store important documents, like medical records and school reports, in a secure place that both parents can access. This way, everyone has the information they need.
  • Call Recording: This unique feature records phone calls between co-parents, so verbal agreements and discussions are documented. It’s great for clarifying any misunderstandings.
  • Professional Access: Professionals can also access this platform to support your family in managing communication and resolving issues.

Benefits of Using Family Communication Programs

  1. Reduced Conflict: These programs help reduce misunderstandings and conflicts by providing clear and documented communication channels.
  2. Improved Organization: Shared calendars and expense logs help you stay organized and manage your responsibilities more effectively.
  3. Enhanced Accountability: The documentation features ensure that all interactions are recorded, promoting accountability and transparency.
  4. Support from Professionals: Access for professionals such as attorneys, therapists, and parenting coordinators can provide additional support and guidance to your family.

By using programs like Our Family Wizard and Talking Parents, you can create a more harmonious and effective co-parenting experience. These tools are designed to help you communicate effectively, reduce conflicts, and ensure that your children’s needs are met. Even more, their websites publish articles that you may find helpful in developing your own strategy for successful co-parenting after a divorce or break-up. 

If you are unsure on how to move forward with your divorce or parentage matter and need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Greenberg & Sinkovits, LLC.