

Pro Bono organizations offer free or reduced-rate representation in civil legal matters for clients who lack the resources to hire an attorney on their own. The legal system in Illinois strives to provide equal justice to all citizens. Still, it...
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With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s that time of year when we begin reflecting on what we are truly thankful for. You might feel grateful for family and friends like we are, or maybe you’re thankful for a warm home...
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Having just celebrated our Ten Year Firm Anniversary, we’re taking some time to reflect on all that we are grateful for as we approach this holiday season. As many of you already know, we (Stephanie and Michelle) started out as...
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It’s close to Halloween And something terrifying is lurking in the dark Under the lamplight You see a sight that almost stops your heart You want to scream But the horror takes the sound before you make it You start...
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The decision to proceed with a divorce is not an easy one. Not only can the divorce process be an emotionally difficult time, but it also involves legal procedures that can be confusing if you are not familiar with the...
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A Note From the Partners:    We are extremely excited to announce Cassandra Perrino as a Senior Associate and see her progress in her career! She is always willing to learn, works hard for her clients, and is a fierce...
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It’s back-to-school time, which means that retail stores are stocking fall, Halloween, and winter holiday decorations. The collective groan can be heard across the country as you walk by the back-to-school supplies and see Christmas decorations starting to hit the...
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“Closing” in real estate is the process when ownership of the property officially transfers from the seller to the buyer. It’s an exciting moment, but one that’s not well-understood. So whether this is your first closing or your fifth closing...
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For a long time now (throughout 2021 and well into 2022) the real estate market has been a Seller’s market. Prices were sky high and rates were continually rising. But now, in mid-2022, the real estate market is once again...
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After the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a concurring opinion (a statement outlining his stance on the ruling). Thomas stated that other Supreme Court rulings that used a similar legal argument as Roe v....
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